Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Signs that you're not a sporty person.

Every human beings are different. Some of us are blessed with brains, some of us are blessed with good looks and some of us are naturally talented in sports. Most of the time, we are really amazing at one or two things and mediocre at the rest.

I am actually terrible at sports just to let you know. 
So, what are the signs that you REALLY suck at sports are not a sporty person?

1. You always get picked last
2. No one trusts you to catch or throw anything
3. You would rather miss the bus than run for it
4. You are terrified of someone asking you to kick their ball back to them
5. You live in fear of a friend inviting you to go play sports
6. You're most likely to root for the team that has the nicest jerseys or the team with the most good-looking players.
7. But...you're TOTALLY AWESOME at everything else besides sports.

Point #7 proves that the universe is fair. So don't be upset if you're terrible at sports, like me 😝😝😝