Friday, December 1, 2017

Blog Review : ADVENTUREX

Go and check out this blog babe! There's a lot of food, movies and they talk about fashion too! There's a lot more you can read from this blog. So go and check this out! CLICK HERE! 

Lets Talk About Fashion

Fashion is getting bigger and bigger and it keeps changing from years to years. I know some of today fashion looks weird but this is what some teenagers keep following the trends in fashion.

One of the example the fashion icon they follow is FKA Twigs.

Her wet baby hair and nose piercing styles became a hits in 2014 and it keeps growing and influencing people ever since. Her curly baby hair and hairstyle caught the fashion and media attention.

The artistry of her looks become a references for fashion people to express their creativity and a work of art.

Her nose piercing also give the creativity idea for fashion designer to make their art become astonishing. Nowadays, nose piercing is essential for fashion lover style.

FKA twigs is flexible style, artistic and aesthetically pleasing. You guys can look at her picture most of them can give an inspiration to fashion lover. Her performance outfit is very flexible and easy for her to do dance moves, and her iconic vogueing for her fans.

Next fashion icon is Grimes, her colorful hair give an inspiration to young teenagers to experimental with their hair.

She’s like use the light color such as like pink, green, turquoise, and etcetera.

She has a very decent and simple looks. Her style mostly looks like colorful style, and anime vibe. She can pull of any kind of looks and still look good.

She is very active and playful when it comes to her work.

If you take a look at her music video you will get inspiration if you get invite to costume event.

The last one fashion iconic is Brooke candy, for those like wild style you guys can follow her style.

She has a very explicit and controversial style. Her style is not suitable in Malaysia because you might get diss and bash by some citizen in Malaysia.

Blog Review: Local Losers

Local Losers poster's
Aren't you curious why Local Losers? Who would call their-self as loser? I think they have their own reason why,  its just so cute. Local losers blog is lit. Because? Thanks to them i found a new TV series. They also always post about song recommendations, so when you don't know what song to listen, hurry go to their blog.  Their blog background music is so enjoying. Its fun to read and listen to music which lovely in my ear lol. It's REALLY REALLY GOOD, trust me ;)
here, I attached the link so you can easily check their blog out!