Friday, November 24, 2017

Where the satisfaction lives

a well know celebrity quotes

You have so much, yet you hungry for more
The trick to being well fed is to stop looking up at everything you don't have,
And look around at everything you do.
Because thats where satisfaction lives.

Love yourself a little more

Hi, so what do I have in my mind today is, I would like to write something about love our-self a little more. I put this in journal and at the same time, it will be your inspiration too.
 First of all, I just want to tell you a story about how much i care for people around me, family, friends and even the people I just know for few months. The thing is, i love and in love with the people im surrounds with. And then, this one day, at that moment, i was surprised by someone who I cared too much and not that little, tells me that Im being greedy. What was i thinking, im mad and sad. Then he explain it to me why he said that. Because i want everyone who i surrounds with to be with me. I could have just picked one groups or person maybe because i want to take care for everyone i loved. Sometimes i forgot my needs to fulfill others needs, sometimes I eat less to feed others with what I have. Im not bragging that im a good friend, you know, sometimes we need to tell a story to people to make them understands what he hell we've been through. But this is not hell for me, im happy to help them OK. Its just I know that, what he was trying to say to me is, I just need to love my self a bit more than others(?) Do you agree with me?