Have you ever feel like you're useless when you can't help your friends and family?
I have.
Have you ever feel like screaming out of frustration because things don't go the way you want to?
I have.
Have you ever feel like life is only to make people satisfied and not because it's for your own good?
I have.
Have you ever feel like voicing out your opinion but at the end, you didn't because you feel like your opinion doesn't matter?
I have.
Have you ever feel like no matter what you do, people will always twist it around?
I have.
Have you ever feel like giving up on life and feel like your life is just a waste?
I have.
We all have. Each and every person who read this have.
We can't change the fact that we almost feel this thing almost everyday in our life.
But it doesn't mean we have to keep it that way.
Change the negativity to positivity.
Don't give up on life.
You've only reach the middle part of your book.
Why not make the most out of it?
Reach to the end of your book with nothing to lose and regret.
And most important thing, you are content and happy with all the thing you did and achieved.